Monday, June 13, 2016

AYAA Dreamcasting: Thoroughly Modern Millie

Hello, everybody! Welcome to a Monday edition of dream casting! I hope everyone had an excellent Tony Sunday last night. I was proud of myself for predicting me 20 of the 24 awards right. And all the top votes on the community Tony post on AYAA last night were correct! Yay us!

Today, I present a dream casting of a musical that won the Tony for Best Musical in 2002: Thoroughly Modern Millie. This show tells the story of Millie Dillmount, a young woman from Kansas, who moves to New York in the 1920s in the hopes of finding a rich husband. However, when she falls for a street urchin named Jimmy, her definition of modern love is questioned.

I reached out to a bunch different young actors and one mom in the Valley -- Miranda Smith, Kerry Galcik, Rebecca Galcik, Sarah Davidson, Jessie Jo Pauley -- and asked them to dream cast Thoroughly Modern Millie. Their responses and mine are below.

Miranda Smith
Millie: Summer Farnsworth (or me be it's another dream role:)
Jimmy: Dale Mortensen (he rocked it at MCC)
Dorothy: Jessie Jo Pauley
Mrs. Meers: Mackenna Goodrich
Trevor Graydon III: Dallin Urness
Muzzy: Jessica Sinodis
Ching Ho: Anson Romney
Bun Foo: Vincent Pugliese
Flannery: Harley Barton

Kerry Galcik
Millie: Becca Galcik (One of her dream rolls)
Jimmy: Kale Burr
Dorothy: Jessie Jo Pauley
Mrs. Meers: Jessica Sinodis
Trevor Graydon III: Connor Brigola
Muzzy: Kenna Goodrich
Ching Ho: India Chudnow
Bun Foo: Orianna Valcamp
Flannery: Sarah Davidson

Rebecca Galcik
Millie: Me (I'm sorry it's a dream role)
Jimmy: Connor Brigola
Dorothy: Jessie Jo Pauley
Mrs. Meers: Mackenna Goodrich cause that was good
Trevor Graydon: Kevin Kennedy
Muzzy: Gabi Giusti
Ching Ho: Tatum Weight
Bun Foo: Alex Darmawaskita
Flannery: Dom Roberts

Mackenna Goodrich
Millie: Jackie Brecker
Jimmy: Vincent Pugliese
Dorothy: Summer Farnsworth
Mrs. Meers: Jessica Sinodis
Trevor Graydon III: Nick Hambruch
Muzzy: Gabi Giusti
Ching Ho: Ethan Shanker
Bun Foo: Connor Brigola
Flannery: India Chudnow

Sarah Davidson
Millie: Summer Farnsworth (or me)
Jimmy: Dale Mortenson
Dorothy: Jessie Jo Pauley
Mrs. Meers: Mackenna Goodrich
Trevor: Kale Burr
Muzzy: Jackie Brecker
Ching Ho: Anson Romney
Bun Foo: Joey Grado
Flannery: India Chudnow

Jessie Jo Pauley
Millie: Ali Whitwell
Jimmy: Hank Woods
Trevor Graydon: Nick Hambruch
Dorothy: Summer Farnsworth
Mrs. Meers: Linda Pauley
Muzzy: Mackenna Goodrich
Ching Ho: Anson Romney (he was just so good as this role)
Bun Foo: Laney Huynh
Flannery: India Chudnow

Thank you, ladies! I hope the next dreamcasting will have you yelling "God, that's good!"

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