Tuesday, September 1, 2015

AYAA Contest Winner and Miscellaneous Thoughts

AZ Young Actors' Alliance's first contest has now ended! I am very excited to announce the winner of the contest:


Sarah by far had the most entries and participated heavily with AYAA over the span over the past few weeks. I am very excited to announce she won this contest. Be sure to check out her review of Evita and her Bedroom Session, both of which earned her extra entries in the contest.

Sarah, I will be communicating with you about how I am going to get the Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder song book soon.

And now some thoughts...

Five people entered this contest. This shocked me. I thought a lot of people would want to win a Gentleman's Guide songbook considering how popular the musical is, but I guess I was mistaken or something. In the future, a couple of theatres have offered to donate tickets to see their shows for free and I hope you will all want to participate in those contests.

I'm going to continue to produce content on the site, even if it's just me talking to myself (and Sarah). Thank you to the few of you who are actively giving me feedback and liking the Facebook posts; it does mean a lot to me.

I have two big end goals for the site at the end of the year: a youth-run awards shindig (think like the Teen Choice Awards or the like, but for Arizona Youth Theatre) where we actually get to vote for our peers and a big celebratory end-of-season cabaret show with different kids from various parts of Arizona. But, for those large-scale projects to be feasible, there needs to be evidence that the smaller scale ones are working. So please help support this work but commenting on Facebook posts with questions and if you feel up to it, submitting a review or a Bedroom Session. You really have no idea how much it means to me when people interact with the site. I want to do something good with this, but we cannot change anything if we are not willing to put in the work. And the work is fun!

So please share with your friends and get them involved. Adults, I want you involved too! If kids see there is interaction happening, they may be more likely to participate. 

I plan to do a lot this year. I want to do some Top 10 lists and have us collaborate on these lists using Culturalist.com; I want to continue with more college posts; I want to explore type and audition readiness.\; I want to do profiles not only on young actors, but on theatres and directors at various youth theatres here in Arziona. There are a lot of aspects of theatre and the youth theatre community we can explore, but I need your help.

If you have any suggestions for content or question, please please please email me at mackenna.azyoungactors@gmail.com

In the words of one of the longest running Broadway musicals, I can't do it alone.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job keeping up on the site McKenna! I have a Theatre (Moves) site also and I have not been as good about updates as you have... but yours is unique because it's the only one I know geared towards youth theatre. And there's so many great kids in AZ youth theatre! I know it will catch on.
