Sunday, May 15, 2016

AYAA Interview: Breagh Watson

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Breagh Watson is a well-known actress here in the Valley. Over the past twelve years, Breagh has performed in 13 shows at Greasepaint as well as performing with Childsplay, Theatre Artists Studio and Xavier College Preparatory. This year, Breagh starred as Nancy in Oliver, Martha in Heathers (both at Greasepaint), and Wednesday Addams in The Addams Family (Brophy/Xavier). As a senior at Xavier, Breagh is the Editor-in-Chief of the school newspaper, The Xpress. She is also a member of Drama Club, Great Books, NHS, Chinese Club, and Student Ambassadors. Breagh also plays the violin and takes voice lessons from Steve Crawford. In the fall, Breagh will be attending the University of Arizona to pursue a double major in communications and theatre arts. Good luck, Breagh! With all of your successes already, there is no doubt you will continue to shine.

Full Real Legit Name
Breagh Erin Watson

Where were you born?
Mesa, Arizona.

What’s home like? Brothers? Siblings? Parents? Pets?
I live with my parents and younger sister, Johnna. We have three cats. My dad travels a lot and the rest of us are always super busy, so we’re rarely all home at the same time! It’s very chaotic, but never boring.

When and why did you start performing?
I did the typical little girl stuff as I grew up- took ballet lessons, belted out “Part of Your World” for any video camera. It was clear that I loved to perform. As many people know, my mom is an experienced actor and director throughout the Valley and concurrently runs Greasepaint as the artistic manager. She has also worked for Childsplay and many other professional theatre companies in Arizona. As a kid, I spent a lot of time at her rehearsals and several theatre camps/classes. I was about 6 when she took this position at Greasepaint and did my first mainstage show, The King and I, that year! The rest is history.

First show you ever saw?
The first show I remember seeing is Grease at about 4 or 5. My favorite number was “Greased Lightning.” I couldn’t get over the flying car.

First Broadway show you ever saw?
Mamma Mia!

Most influential show you ever saw? Why was it so influential?
This is the hardest question ever. Hm. I think when I saw Once on Broadway I realized that performing is more than spectacle- yes, more than flying cars. I saw firsthand that you do not need elaborate sets or costumes or makeup or lights to perform. You need nothing more than a story and some story tellers. I also loved that the actors were the musicians and that no one ever really left the stage. It wasn’t flashy. It was what theatre is supposed to be: raw and honest and beautiful.

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Breagh performing as Martha Dunstock in Heathers at
Greasepaint (2016). 
Favorite show you’ve ever been in? Why?
Heathers, for obvious reasons. It was an extraordinary experience.

Most challenging acting experience?
Nancy in Oliver! I think.

You played Tracy Turnblad in Greasepaint’s production of Hairspray. What was that experience like? Why do you think Tracy’s story resonates with so many people? What do you like the most about Hairspray as a show?
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Breagh in Greasepaint's Hairspray promo photos
with Jack Rose and Thomas Steward. (2014)
Playing Tracy was so much fun! She is one of those characters that just exudes positivity and confidence. You literally have no choice but to love her. I think Tracy’s story- one of being true to yourself, of loving yourself, and of standing up for what is right- is one that everyone can take to heart. That’s one of the best things about Hairspray- its relatability and accessibility. It has important themes while still being upbeat and fun. It’s extremely relevant- the musical takes place in the 1960s during the Civil Rights Movement, but even today, racism and other forms of discrimination undeniably exist. I think it’s telling that Hairspray is so wildly popular and loved. The messages of acceptance and equality are still needed and valued. If you haven’t seen Hairspray, um, watch it please. There’s a movie. Zac Efron is in it.

You played Martha in Greasepaint’s production of Heathers this year alongside Sophia Drapeau. How does playing Martha differ from other characters in the show? What do you think are the benefits and drawbacks of double casting? What would you say to a youth theatre skeptical about mounting a production of Heathers?
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Breagh onstage during Heathers at Greasepaint. (2016)
The characters in Heathers, particularly Veronica, talk about being- or are referred to as- damaged. Martha is the only one this does not apply to, until the “Kindergarten Boyfriend” scene. She is the heart of the show. She is innocent and kind and untouched before Veronica breaks her. To any theatres with reservations about putting on Heathers- I have never come across a show that is more honest. The sexuality and explicit language, though dramatized, is realistic. You think you won’t walk down a high school hallway and hear things like what characters in Heathers say? You’re wrong. Portraying suicide and killing was really very difficult- it is extremely sensitive subject matter for sure-but if you have the right actors and right directors, Heathers is the biggest anti-violence and anti-bullying show out there. Heathers doesn’t satirize or glorify suicide; rather, it reminds us how words and actions can harm someone and makes us hyper aware of that reality. Playing Martha was the most significant learning experience I’ve ever had as an actor and as a person. I remember when we did the talk back, there were people in the audience that had attempted suicide and spoke to us about it. Talking to them was surreal because I played a character that attempted suicide onstage. I can’t even imagine what that was like for them to watch. Having their experiences presented to me made me all the more aware and real (I hope) onstage and also more sensitive in real life. As for double casting, I think it has its benefits especially when the show has a small cast because it gives more people the opportunity to perform. However, there is the competition that comes along with double casting that is certainly a drawback (I love Sophia Drapeau! She was an amazing double and I never felt any nasty or competitive vibes at all- support all around).

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Breagh as Nancy in Oliver at Greasepaint with Connor Baker
and Jacob Emmett. (2015)
This Christmas, you played Nancy in Greasepaint’s production of Oliver. What are the challenges that come alongside playing Nancy? Why do you think Oliver has remained such a popular show?
Nancy is a really difficult character to play because she is 1) adult 2) tough and 3) in love. She is someone who has had to grow up fast and provide for herself through thievery and prostitution, and because of that she has a tough skin. But even though she has been neglected and abused, she remains hopeful and joyous, which is why she is a mother figure to the Fagin boys, particularly Oliver and Dodger. Justifying her relationship to Bill was a challenge, so “As Long As He Needs Me,” was too. My favorite lyric is “If you are lonely then you will know when someone needs you, you love them so.” It’s heartbreaking, because it tells you so much about her relationship with Bill- she loves him, but the real reason she stays with him is because she can’t handle being alone. I think Oliver! remains popular because it is a classic, the songs are well-known, the characters are loved, and the story is timeless.  

Your mom, Maureen Dias-Watson, is the producing artistic director. How does working with your mom change the dynamic during a show? How do you think having your mom involved in youth theatre has affected your experience?
I can truthfully say that Greasepaint would not be the same without my mom there. Greasepaint still exists today because of her hard work. She puts blood, sweat, and tears- not to mention countless hours and tons of money- into the Stagebrush Theatre building and also the entity of Greasepaint. It is so very clear when you see shows or participate in shows that she loves that place more than anyone. As for working with her, she doesn’t engage too much in the rehearsal process and isn’t normally super involved in casting or directing- Heathers was actually the first show she directed at Greasepaint that I was ever in.

You have worked extensively with Greasepaint Youth Theatre. What makes Greasepaint unique from other youth theatres?
It’s going to be really hard to put this in words. First of all, Greasepaint the perfect place for kids and teens to grow in the craft of theatre. I’ve never seen an actor leave Greasepaint without improving, whether they were six and a newbie or 18 with several shows under their belt. Everyone is professional and talented and learns invaluable skills at Greasepaint. Greasepaint also puts on amazing shows. Some are edgy, some are wholesome, some are original, some are classic, but all of them are well-done. Besides that, Greasepaint is unique because of the welcoming and passionate community, from every audience member to every employee to every actor. We all love Greasepaint, and we love to let everyone know how much we love it. I guess I can just say there is a reason I chose to work mainly at Greasepaint. It’s home.

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Breagh as Wednesday Addams with Jack Rose in Brophy/Xavier's
production of The Addams Family. (2016)
Favorite character you got to play during the 2015-16 season?
Martha Dunnstock and Wednesday Addams.

Favorite person you got to play opposite of during the 2015-16? (Romantically or otherwise)
Jack Rose. He played my mom last year in Hairspray and my dad this year in The Addams Family. I adore him, he’s one of my best friends.

Dream role? Dream role of the opposite sex?
I’d love to play any female in Into The Woods, probably Baker’s Wife most of all. Also Eponine in Les Mis. If I were a young boy and a better dancer, I’d for sure want to play Billy Elliot.

Theatres in Arizona you would love to work with, but haven’t?
VYT. I’ve always wanted to work there but it’s never worked out with my shows at Greasepaint or school!

Craziest stage experience (mishap, funny improvised joke, etc.)?
I was actually offstage but in Les Miserables, during the death scenes in the Revolution, one guy knocked over an entire table topped with glass bottles when he got shot. Glass was all over the stage and in the audience.

Weirdest show you’ve ever been to? (Whether it be the nature of the show, casting decisions, etc.)
Secret in the Wings, I think. XCP performed it last year. It was super weird, but cool!

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Breagh as Tracy with the cast of Hairspray at Greasepaint
during the song "Nicest Kids in Town (Reprise)". (2014)
Favorite costume you’ve ever worn? Least favorite?
My Tracy wardrobe was super comfy and trendy. I had a fat suit that I named Brenda. Though I haven’t had a truly negative costume experience, I guess my least favorite would be HSM because we brought in our own clothes and I don’t know how to dress myself/I am not fashionable.
Best youth production you have ever seen?
I’ve seen so many amazing youth productions in AZ, it’s so hard to pick! Spotlight’s Rent left me speechless- especially Michael Schultz singing “I’ll Cover You” reprise. Like whaaaaaat. It’s such a difficult show for youth to put on because the themes of death/dying and being left behind are so adult, and the AIDS component seems to be something that the average 18-year-old is pretty removed from. I was really impressed with how Spotlight took on that challenge.

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Breagh with the cast of Brophy/Xavier's The Addams Family. (2016)
What is your go-to audition song?
“Pulled” from The Addams Family (foreshadowing?)

Advice for young performers? Auditions? Behavior? Life?
Auditioning? It’s my least favorite thing. Just remember to be yourself, smile, and take a deep breath! The people you’re auditioning for are rooting for you.
Behavior? An ego will get you nowhere. An acting teacher gave me excellent advice once- treat every stage partner like they’re the best actor in the world.
Life? I do not think I’m qualified to give life advice as I am only a 18-year-old BABY, but I will try (warning- I am a walking cliche): Live in the moment, follow your heart, eat the cookie if you really want it.

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Breagh as Serena in Legally Blonde. (2013)
Favorite actors and actresses? Stage? Screen?
Stage: I’m literally in love with Steven Pasquale and Kelli O’Hara. Nothing will ever compare to the two of them in The Bridges of Madison County. I think the first time I heard Steven sing I died. They’re brilliant in that and in everything else they do.
Screen: I’m a little obsessed with Amy Poehler and John Krasinski. Ellen Degeneres is my idol.

Favorite plays?
The Glass Menagerie, Cyrano de Bergerac, Peter and the Starcatcher.

Favorite musicals?
OH MY GOODNESS SO MANY! Hamilton, Into the Woods, Big Fish, The Bridges of Madison County, and Next to Normal are some of my favorites.
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Breagh performing in Mary Poppins with
Griffin Fletcher. (2015)

What is the best showtune of all-time?
“Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story?” the finale from Hamilton. Sorry not sorry.

Musical/play on Broadway currently you’re dying to see?
Waitress! I already saw Hamilton ;)

Favorite movie? TV Show?
Movies: Anything that makes me cry.
TV: The Office and Gilmore Girls.

Secret guilty pleasure?
I love to read, and I am I a giant nerd for fantasy fiction novels/series. Harry Potter, The Mortal Instruments, Odd Thomas, Lux… omg.

Personal mantra(s)?
Be humble, be grateful, be kind.

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Breagh Watson with Stokley Berg backstage at
The Addams Family. (2016)
Performer you would die to perform with?
Ummm it’s got to be Jonathan Groff I think? He’s so cool. I kind of just want to be his best friend.

How do you feel about the atmosphere of youth theatre around Arizona? What do you like about it? What do you feel like can be improved?
The youth theatre scene in Arizona is amazing. We are lucky to have so much talent and so many places to learn and grow in our craft! Every theatre has something fantastic to offer whether you’re in a show or seeing one. Something I would change is probably the atmosphere of competition- support and encouragement is far more valuable than criticism and jealousy in the theatre world. And the world in general, honestly.

Most underrated show?
I just recently saw Big Fish for the first time and I cried SO HARD. It’s such a beautifully told story with a meaningful theme. I’m a sucker for sad stuff. (Props to Notre Dame and Hale Stewart for the performance and Jack Rose for letting me cry on him).

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Breagh with her three Heathers: Barrette Janey,
Cami Benton, and Gabby Vatistas. (2016)
What’s your “adult” plan? Keep performing professionally or…?
Ahhhhh! Yes! I hope to perform always. Ideally, I will pursue a double major in Communications and Drama with a minor in Chinese and see where that takes me!

Upcoming projects?
I have one more show at school before I graduate! I’m in this club called Brophy Student Theatre, and we perform shows that are completely student-produced, from script to music to cast to crew. This time it’s a musical based on Jurassic Park!

Young actor/actress in the Phoenix area you'd love to perform with
Sam Primack! I see him in everything and WOW he’s talented. One day, Sam. :)

Thank you to Breagh Watson for doing this interview with us! We should have more interviews from more awesome young ladies in the coming week.

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